Our Journey...
Our journey to the remote and frigid cold fronts of Nunavik in Northern Quebec began in 2007 and ended in 2014. In those seven years, we lived, travelled and experienced the stark realities of aboriginal life amidst a sometimes extremely challenging physical and social environment.
We received warm welcome and acceptance by the people. From the Inuit of Nunavik and Nunavut to the Crees of James Bay, we made many friends and met total strangers who were extremely willing to share their knowledge and possessions.
In utter amazement at the grandeur of the land in daytime and spectacular beauty of the sky at night, we learned to endure blizzards and persistent low winter temperatures. Embraced by the community, we rejoiced at their triumphs and wept at heart breaking tragedies. Our respect for the strength, knowledge and resilience of the people grew as we faced our own challenges as residents of the far north.
We came to appreciate that art and creativity are integral components of the aboriginal worldview. Oral tradition continues to be an important aspect of cultural transmission influencing creativity and survival. Some of these traditions have found interpretation through the hands of amazingly talented artists in various forms of ancient and contemporary art.
Promoting the symbols of enduring aboriginal spirit, resilience and talent is what Northern Expressions is about. At the heart of this is our commitment to only showcase Made in Canada aboriginal expressions.
Thank you for shopping with us.
Olu & Patricia