Visit this page often to be informed about interesting and exciting events happening in the world of aboriginal art across Canada.
Join Northern Expressions at Northern Lights 2018 Jan 31 - Feb 3, 2018
Northern Expressions will be at Canada’s #1 Arctic & North Showcase:
January 31 - February 3, 2018
Shaw Centre • Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
National Aboriginal Day - June 21, 2015
Museum Day at MIA
Arctic Winter Games 2016

MARCH 5 - 12, 2016
The Arctic Winter Games is a high profile circumpolar sport competition for northern and arctic athletes. The Games provide an opportunity to strengthen sport development in the participants’ jurisdictions, to promote the benefits of sport, to build partnerships, and to promote culture and values. The Games celebrate sport, social exchange and cultures. The Games provide an opportunity for the developing athlete to compete in friendly competition while sharing cultural values from northern regions around the world.
For more info please visit
Aboriginal Cultural Festival
City Victoria, British Columbia
Start Fri, Jun 19 2015
End Sun, Jun 21 2015