National Aboriginal Day - June 21, 2015

Other articles:

Twenty Valley's Winter WineFest


January 12th to 14th, 2018

Location: Main Street, Jordan Village

Join Northern Expressions at Northern Lights 2018 Jan 31 - Feb 3, 2018

Northern Lights 2018


Northern Expressions will be at Canada’s #1 Arctic & North Showcase:


January 31 - February 3, 2018

Shaw Centre • Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Museum Day at MIA

International Museum Day!
Join MIA and the worldwide community of museums to celebrate IMD and this years theme - sustainability in museums.
Monday May 18th
To celebrate IMD the museum is hosting three special programs. All activities are free with general admission. You can purchase your tickets online or at the Front Desk.

$5 Adults
$3 Seniors/ Students (with valid ID)
Children 12 and under are FREE


Join one of our docents for a 30-minute tour of the permanent museum collection. This special tour will be focusing on elements within ICOM's sustainability theme in connection with pieces of Inuit art currently on display.

Self Guided Tour

Follow Your Art with our new tour maps! This special tour for IMD looks at sustainability and the different materials used in Inuit art. From caribou antler to whalebone see how Arctic animals have impacted art production.

MIA Staff

Join MIA’s Collections Manager Lauren Williams as she speaks about the amazing properties of commonly used art-making materials such as caribou antler and whalebone and how these locally-sourced materials make Inuit Art an inherently sustainable form of art production. May 18th at 4PM
Learn more about upcoming special programming and events on our website.
Attention all Educators!

The Museum of Inuit Art invites all educators to visit the museum to learn about school programs offered by the museum. MIA is a perfect location for a field trip, where you can bring subjects related to art, history and Inuit culture to life for your students.

Admission to the museum will be FREE for all educators with a valid teacher identification card + this cut-out admission pass. Valid until July 30, 2015.
Copyright ©2015
Canadian Museum of Inuit Art, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Canadian Museum of Inuit Art
207 Queens Quay West
Toronto, ON, Box 32 
M5J 1A7

Arctic Winter Games 2016

MARCH 5 - 12, 2016

The Arctic Winter Games is a high profile circumpolar sport competition for northern and arctic athletes.  The Games provide an opportunity to strengthen sport development in the participants’ jurisdictions, to promote the benefits of sport, to build partnerships, and to promote culture and values.  The Games celebrate sport, social exchange and cultures. The Games provide an opportunity for the developing athlete to compete in friendly competition while sharing cultural values from northern regions around the world. 

For more info please visit


Aboriginal Cultural Festival
City Victoria, British Columbia
Start Fri, Jun 19 2015
End Sun, Jun 21 2015